Realm Gate

The original before up-cycling.

So part of my recycle and re-use efforts included this “gate”. Originally made before Age of Sigmar existed it was inspired, and poorly so from the Stargate series, and served as nothing more than an objective marker on the tabletop.

AoS of course incorporated the idea of gates between the realms as a central tenant of the new Lore and thus I decided to not just recycle this model, but rather up-cycle it and add some “bits and bobs” to enhance it’s over all look.

Inspiration: Here. (it took me ages to re-find this image to give credit where credit is due. NTS: get better at bookmarking.)

Although I have supported a number of 3D model Kickstarters (Printable Scenery) that included Realm Gates or Portals, I decided to use the inspiration above and create the extra bits I needed using SketchUp and then printing my own embellishments. Thus all the metal pieces, cogs (the small one is Lego), and Dwarf Runes were printed then painted: using Black, a dry-brush of Plate-Mail, a liberal dabbing of Typhus Rust, followed by another dry-brush of Ryza Rust, and then some edge highlights of Plate-Mail (all paint colours are Citadel or Army Painter). The stone work is Hirst Arts, either regular Plaster of Paris or Woodlands Scenics Hydrocal, and the timber bits are simply cut and shaped balsa wood.

I probably went a little heavy on the rust, but I wanted it to look like it was rarely used, or even abandoned. The ramp and bridge section are a separate model so I could swap this out for something less damage if I had the inclination, but again I like the ruined and damaged look that Age of Sigmar sort of inspires. This is probably one of what will only be a 2-3 fantasy specific elements, but I did enjoy the challenge of melding the Hirst Arts with 3D printing, and did give me lots of other ideas for future projects.

Dwarves – just because

Something I managed to finish over the weekend.

Ahhh the wonders of photography to highlight the errors of the brush. ie: the grey dry-brush on the side of the base is not half as noticeable when holding the model. The cogs beneath the crew are 3D printed from a file I found on thingiverse awhile ago and I resized to be a the same height and diameter as a standard figure base. I opted for them instead of the standard base design to give an Ironweld Arsenal flavour to my dwarf* engineers and weapon/gun crews.

I simply sprayed them matt black, then did a dab effect with Citadel Typhus Corrosion followed by a very random dry-brush with Citadel Ryza Rust. The names might be kinda weird, but there is no denying how good the Citadel paints are, more so the technical and contrast paints especially for someone like me who is a very average painter, and who adheres to the “at arms distance” (ADD) principle of painting for wargaming miniatures.

* I refuse to call them Duardin, unless I ever get the urge to play in something “official”.